Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cashcrate: Top Surveys & Sept 15 Report

We rekt that $35 goal!! I hit $35 on September 10th and we are just halfway through the month and we are $55 and counting. At this rate I think we can even make $70 to $100 in September.

You are probably wondering how I did it? Well it is all in the picture below.

Sept 15 Report

If you take a look at the Bonuses part you can see that I am now earning more than Surveys. What? Well let me tell you that if I knew about this in the past I would be earning about the same I am now! I feel so stupid that I only discovered it just recently. So let me reveal my new found cashcow...

You can earn that much too by signing up HERE.

Top Surveys.

So basically it is like normal Daily Surveys. The only difference is that you are profiled beforehand and given a list of surveys to qualify for.

As you can see there are a lot! Now you probably won't qualify for ALL of them but it is easier to qualify for than Daily Surveys. I don't think the approximate length matters since you can do surveys pretty quick once you get use to the site. You should be looking at the "Reward Amount" in all honesty!!

See those big fat $5 ones! Yummy. Highest I have gotten so far is $4 and was so stoked about that.

All you have to do is click "Start Survey"

If something like this pops up then it means you can qualify for it. Some Top Surveys have quotas to them so do them ASAP! Do everything right and this should show up. These surveys almost always credit instantly!


  • Top Surveys shop up randomly. Best way to take advantage of it is to do them all in the morning so new ones show up at night.
  • I think a lot of Top Surveys show up on Mondays. (unproven)

If you want to join in the fun you can sign up through our LINK and start earning today!


If need any help with Cashcrate shoot me a message or comment below! Good Luck!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

CashCrate: Offers

Another alternative to Surveys on Cashcrate is Offers. It is usually your default tab upon reaching the site.

Offers are basically tasks that involve sign-ups, install and play, surveys or buying stuff. They are not all free. You will see that some offers have a red "$" sign next to it. These are offers that require a purchase or a trial subscription for you to get credited the amount displayed.

To get to free offers you can do set the combo boxes to "100% Free" and "Payout" to sort from highest to lowest.

You then proceed to the task stated which is usually filling in information, sign ups or install and play. There are a lot of Install and Play ones for iOS and Andriod users! Once completing click the SUBMIT button and it should be PENDING on your My Earnings Panel. If you did it correctly it should be approved within 24-48 hrs.

Now for Paid Offers. I must say these are worth it if you are planning to purchase the product anyway. For example: I am planning to buy a website domain for this site in the future. Websites usually costs $10-15 and by going through this offer I can get it basically for FREE! Worth it!

Now say you are a Gamer like I am and would love to rent games off Gamefly. Well then take advantage of this offer. This offer basically gets you a months subscription and if you don't feel like the service is for you you can cancel right after. Win-Win for both sides!

You can make a lot off offers just by availing services online or by buying stuff through CashCrate. This is probably the most easiest way to get your first Cashcrate check.

So you can start getting these cool offers by signing up on Cashcrate!


Comment below if you have any questions!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

CashCrate: Earning Update Sept 1-5

OK I lied. Updates will be every 5-7 days since it makes more sense to have a bigger sample to show you guys. Anyways, here is last months payment in processing.

So this is how it should look when you hit your $20 payout threshold. You can see the last payment I got of $28.07. A new check should arrive in 2-3 weeks time for the total of $22.91 which is in processing right now. You can also see that I have been slacking in September since I made less. If you are really motivated, it should be a steady increase unlike this one(Slacker Dee!).

I do see that some of you who have signed up are earning already! That is awesome! Keep going until you hit that 20 dollars. The first one is always the hardest!

Sept 1-5 Report

Total right now is $12.13 . I have pretty much been doing 1-2 surveys a day and have been trying to get more out of the Offers. This is why I am a bit iffy on it since it takes a long time to be confirmed and is usually PENDING. I am having little luck but if you guys have iOS or Andriod devices, there are a lot of Play and Install ones on the Offers tab(Windows Phone User sob). This should be easy money for you guys!

I have been being qualified for a lot of Live Sample and GiveUsYour2Cents lately! You should try and qualify for those ones too! If you need a guide you can find my Daily Survey guide HERE.

So basically we are more than 1/3 away from our goal of $35 this month! Assuming we make at least $2 a day we can hit our goal of 35 on the 17th! After that we can try and shoot for $50!

If you want to join in the fun you can sign up through our LINK and start earning today!


If need any help with Cashcrate shoot me a message or comment below! Good Luck!

Friday, September 5, 2014

CashCrate: Checking In Daily

First things first, if there is anything more sure cash on CashCrate it is by checking in daily. By checking in, I meaning hitting that green button on the right hand side daily.

By doing this you get credited $ 0.03 instantly and if you manage to not miss one check in for the whole month then you get an extra $ 0.50. Yes it isn't a lot but why leave money on the table? .03 cents x 30 = 90 cents + 50 more cents, that is already $ 1.40 just buy clicking once per day and it only takes just a second or two.

Upon clicking the Check In button an offer will pop up.

cashcrate guide

Some offers are really big like this one and all you have to do is complete the offer entirely and you get credited the amount. Usually theses OFFERs require you to provide information, sign up or even purchase items in order to be completed. There are some offers that are real easy and you can get credited just by clicking the link.

By doing this daily, depending on the "Offer of the Day" you can build up a substantial amount of money by that.

If you haven't Signed Up yet you can do so by going through this LINK.

and here are some current guides I have made.


If you have any questions, feel free to message me or comment below!

CashCrate: Videos

Another way to make easy cash on CashCrate is by viewing Videos. Now it may only cost $ 0.02 per instance. But look at it this way, as long as there are videos to be viewed you will always be earning $ 0.02! It all depends on your dedication to viewing them and honestly I am one of those people that keeps viewing it until it all runs out! haha.

So the first thing to do is find the Videos tab.

cashcrate videos

Click on that and as long as there are videos available you can click on the green button and usually a new window will pop up containing a video on it. Wait until the counter reaches zero and hit next.

cashcrate guide

Now, just to let you know there are different video instances. Some will not open a new window and just play on the video tab. Others will require you to click next on the newly opened window. So be sure to check what type it is. Most videos require you to hit next 4-15 times and in this case we need to do 10 of it.

cashcrate guide

After completing the process you are credited $ 0.02 and just start the process all over again.

TIP: You can open multiple tabs. You are WELCOME.

If you haven't Signed Up yet you can do so by going through this LINK.

and here are some current guides I have made.


If you have any questions, feel free to message me or comment below!

Monday, September 1, 2014

CashCrate: Goal for September. You should join in too!

I have been having mixed reviews on the site and some of you are still skeptical about it. So let me show you how I do it step by step and why not try to break my personal record of $28 in the process.

For September I will go for $35 before the 30th! As you can see my cash has reset since it is September the 1st!


I will give you an update every 2 days on my progress just to show how easy it is to make money online by just an hour each day. I will also make a few guides as promised so you can join in and utilize it. 

Guides I already have made:

If you haven't already registered you can do so by going through this link: CashCrate

Let us begin!


If you want to join in let me know by commenting below so we can keep track of our progress.

August Content you may have Missed

Hey Guys! August will be ending soon and I would like to give you a blog list on posts this month. Facebook pages have changed a lot and I am seeing that not all of you are seeing it on your feeds. I'd like to do this every month not only to give you a monthly recap but also to track our community blog progress.

So lets get to it.

Gaming Content

Top 7 Games that defined my Childhood
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III

This is the most popular posts of the blog if you combine the three posts(yea should have just made it one post. derp!) I would like to hear about your games though. You can comment guys! Don't be shy-san! I like the interaction!

Cons of being a Gamer
- Gamer Rage

New series! I am starting to learn to write other content than just narrative stories or guides. I have actually enrolled myself in free online writing courses to help me write a little better. If there are Cons of being a Gamer I guess there should be a Pros of being one right? Don't worry I'm already on it!

- If you don't Play, it goes Away
- Master Classes... What?

I will be ending the RO2 series. I have played quite a bit and have noticed how much of a grind it is after LVL 50. I am a Master Warrior lvl 7 right now and all I did was just mob kill condors north of Morroc with a team of lurers and killers. The server is a ghost town and the only remaining community are those in guilds that are high level master classes. It just really isn't worth the time since it is really hard to get into raid groups too.

FreeStyle 2
- First Look

I am currently PRO(lvl 25) and I can't play any individual matches right now since that game mode has an level limit. Other game modes are too laggy for me. It may be my current wifi connection or just my old Laptop. I need to get that gaming PC fast.

Making Money Online

Daily Survey Guide
- Payment Proof

This post has been quite a surprise. I mainly posted a guide due to excitement and got a great response. I have already been messaged that some are close to 10$ and have been doing it religiously lol! I will make guides for other methods to make money on cashcrate like offers, videos and top surveys soon. If you haven't signed up you can by going HERE.


I'd also want to ask what you guys want me to write about? What games do you want me to play? Do you want more making money online content? Comment below!