Saturday, September 6, 2014

CashCrate: Earning Update Sept 1-5

OK I lied. Updates will be every 5-7 days since it makes more sense to have a bigger sample to show you guys. Anyways, here is last months payment in processing.

So this is how it should look when you hit your $20 payout threshold. You can see the last payment I got of $28.07. A new check should arrive in 2-3 weeks time for the total of $22.91 which is in processing right now. You can also see that I have been slacking in September since I made less. If you are really motivated, it should be a steady increase unlike this one(Slacker Dee!).

I do see that some of you who have signed up are earning already! That is awesome! Keep going until you hit that 20 dollars. The first one is always the hardest!

Sept 1-5 Report

Total right now is $12.13 . I have pretty much been doing 1-2 surveys a day and have been trying to get more out of the Offers. This is why I am a bit iffy on it since it takes a long time to be confirmed and is usually PENDING. I am having little luck but if you guys have iOS or Andriod devices, there are a lot of Play and Install ones on the Offers tab(Windows Phone User sob). This should be easy money for you guys!

I have been being qualified for a lot of Live Sample and GiveUsYour2Cents lately! You should try and qualify for those ones too! If you need a guide you can find my Daily Survey guide HERE.

So basically we are more than 1/3 away from our goal of $35 this month! Assuming we make at least $2 a day we can hit our goal of 35 on the 17th! After that we can try and shoot for $50!

If you want to join in the fun you can sign up through our LINK and start earning today!


If need any help with Cashcrate shoot me a message or comment below! Good Luck!

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